Market Operandi. Your Start-Up's Future. Faster.
Accelerating Growth

Congratulations! You Got Funded. Now What???

You had an idea and a vision, and you hustled until you found someone (or two, or three) who believed in your dream too. So much so, they gave you the money to make it a reality. It gets simpler now, right? 

WRONG. It gets more complicated. Your ability to optimize your company's opportunity and mitigate risk becomes more crucial in the next stages. But how do you know what is most urgent? Most critical? And more importantly, how do you know what you don't know?

At Market Operandi, we accelerate the growth of Hard Tech B2B companies through the transformative A-series and B-series funding stages. We formed this team because we've been through these stages multiple times with our own start-up businesses and have developed a systematic approach to:

  • Prioritizing what you need to do right now and what to postpone.
  • Growing your company while avoiding market pitfalls.
  • Slowing your burn rate and accelerating your go-to-market execution.
  • Making the right hiring decisions and proactively managing your organization before your org chart is filled in.


Anyone who has achieved greatness had a guide or a mentor somewhere along the way. Even the most experienced climbers would never make it to the top of Mount Everest without sherpas, skilled local guides who have made the journey before. Sir Edmund Hillary and sherpa Tenzing Norgay were the first to make it to the summit, and together they accomplished what no one had before.

This is where the Market Operandi team comes in for CEOs at hard tech start-ups. Together, we've successfully navigated multiple start-ups through inception, rapid growth, and in some cases, acquisition. Our team is your guide as you accelerate your start-up's growth and ascend to the dominant position in your target market.

"If you are looking for advisers to merely validate how brilliant your ideas are, Kevin and his team are not for you. The Market Operandi team is extremely effective at helping develop complex products and penetrate new markets, but they challenge your assumptions every step of the way. This process ensures your products fit seamlessly into the market, saving years of work."

Gene Berdichevsky

Co-founder and CEO, Sila Nanotechnologies

"Kevin and his team grasped what we were doing very quickly. They were able to implement strategies that were immediately relevant and solved a big need for us. The MO team has a diverse skill set within different functional areas, and that experience has helped us connect all the dots.”

Nicholas Reder, MD, MPH

CEO, Alpenglow Biosciences

"The Market Operandi team is very good at grasping an industry, the market opportunity, and developing a strategy for penetrating it. In terms of working with Kevin directly, every time I meet with him, 2-3 very helpful nuggets come out of each session. He’s a strong strategic thinker and a good reader of people; I really value his input."

Kurt Kelty

Former Tesla Executive, VP at Sila Nanotechnologies

“The Market Operandi team brings diverse perspectives to run teams at various scales and stages. While everyone at Market Operandi has experience operating larger companies, they've demonstrated professionalism and skillfulness to apply that experience to small and midsize companies in supporting their critical growth decisions."

Shawn Zhang, Ph.D.   

Co-founder and Managing Partner, DigiM Solution