Your Customer Is More Than Just a Person

Customer roles in the Procurement Decision Process

So I asked my customer what they thought about my product and I got an answer. Does this mean that I understand how my customer views my product? The answer is emphatically NO.

This is because your “customer” is not a person. If you are selling B2B in an enterprise, you cannot view the customer as a person, you must view it as an entity that has multiple people with complicated interaction. There is no such thing as a transaction that happens with just one person if your product costs more than about $75,000. Therefore, the fundamental question of, “Did you ask your customer?” now becomes a much more complicated question of, “How did you approach your customer account, and do you understand the roles and decision-making processes within the account?” The answers will vary across the many customers in your market, so how do you understand if you have the right product?

Is this easy? Not really. Can it be done systematically and scalably? Absolutely. Give MO a call — we can help.

You’re Ready. But Are You Really?

How will you guide the growth of your company?